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Commissions, Charges & Margin Schedule

See our commissions, charges, interest rates & margin schedule

Protection of retail client funds

Saxo Bank is a member of the Danish Guarantee Fund for Depositors and Investors. In the event that a Danish bank (including Saxo Bank) should suspend its payments or go into bankruptcy, client deposits are guaranteed by the Fund with up to EUR 100,000 for cash deposits.

See how your funds are protected here


Saxo Bank, as an EU-regulated bank and investment firm, falls under the MiFID's (the Market in Financial Instruments Directive) jurisdiction and has as such implemented all necessary legal requirements, protocols and policies to ensure full compliance with the Directive.

Read more about MiFID

Best Execution Policy

Saxo Bank's Best Execution Policy creates transparency for the clients of Saxo Bank's means of ensuring best execution. Download our Best Execution Policy here

Product Risk Categorisation

Danish banks are required to categorise investment products offered to retail clients depending on the product's complexity and risk as: green, yellow or red.

Download the Product Risk Categorisation here

Risk Warning

Trading in the products and services of the Saxo Bank Group may, even if made in accordance with a Recommendation, result in losses as well as profits.

Read our Risk Warning

See our document library for more on:

General Business Terms

Account Forms

Payment Instructions

Other forms and documents 

Or visit our FAQ

Saxo Bank A/S, organizační složka
Na Poříčí 3a
Prague 1, 110 00
Česká republika

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Seznamte se s riziky
Obchodování je vždy spojeno s rizikem. Více informací. Abychom vám pomohli pochopit související rizika, sestavili jsme pro vás sérii dokumentů s klíčovými informacemi (KID), které zdůrazňují rizika a výhody související s jednotlivými produkty. Další dokumenty s klíčovými informacemi jsou k dispozici na naší obchodní platformě. Více informací

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